I’m a sci-fiction fan, and that’s no secret to every other sci-fiction fan that Doctor Who is a huge TV show, with a huge team around it, and a huge fan base.
But to everyone else, who in the heck is Doctor Who? Doctor Who is an human-alien, a timelord (Timelords were a human-like-race, even so they say timelords came first, so, we are timelord-like-race. And they could travel in time and space). So, as he is a timelord, he has this machine, a Tardis (Time and Relative Dimension(s) in Space), bigger in the inside, this machine would be capable of transforming the outside into anything, so it would match the ambient, but, when the serie started, in 1960′s, the budget was a little too low, and they couldn’t do another exteriors, and the excuse was: “The morphing mechanism broke somewhere in the space”.
Doctor Who started as a British TV series, so it would teach children history, and science, time passes by and people liked the show, the series then started to change, and things got interesting. Zygons, Cybermans, Ghosts, Daleks, among other enemies, friends, and relatives appears on the series.
The series started at the UK, somewhere between 70′s it was sold to the BBC US, in my opinion, that’s where the series had this decadency. USA don’t know how to make a UK show. And then, a miracle happened, the series got back to BBC UK, and everything started to work again.
The Doctor changes from season to season (more-less), the actor change, so, they found a way to insert this on the show. How? Simple, the doctor regenerates when it got very hurt. This way we were introduced to amazing actors, doing the doctor in many personalities, you know, every regeneration changes the doctor’s mood and way of seeing everything, from grumpy to childish.
To everyone who hadn’t see Doctor Who, please, give it a chance! Netflix has it, torrent has it, BBC UK and BBC America has it! There’s a huge fan base, and I’m proudly one of them!