What is HIPAA
HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, it’s a USA and it’s territories law to protect, estabilish standards, tax for medical spending accounts, and guidelines for helath plans, among government life insurance policies.
What is this certification for?
The HIPAA Privacy & Security Training for Business Associates certifies that I’m capable of complying with the Title I
of the HIPAA laws, regarding protection of patients’ health data. Mainly the protection of the ePHI (Eletronic Protected Health Information), using from various technics as:
- Database data Encryption at Rest
- Users logs for auditing purposes
- Best practices to protect a “left open” system, expiring user sessions from time to time when there’s no activity, preventing from a unauthorized user to use a user’s account to grab information
- Implementing various user levels for access of information
That said, joining the previous knowledge I already have with securing systems, I’m able to keep your company HIPAA complaint.