Vin Souza

Dating Application for Orkut

My work with StayTrack got out, and a local entrepreneur got in contact.

He said he were seeking for someone with knowledge with PHP to be one of the first developers into his company’s team.

The project was: A Dating App for Orkut, at the time, the main social network at Brazil and India, one of a kind. Facebook wasn’t even born yet.

At this project I learned more and more about the high performance systems, we launched with a boom from a local TV show, and the audience was huge, we had to keep thing running, and didn’t have too much resources.

So I did what I did best, research and learn, every time I was doing a sensitive peace of software, I tested, retested, ran some performance testing, A/B testing, and sent them to Quality Assurance.

Keeping a high quality code, with a low budget was a challenge, but this challenge paid of, we had millions of users, and these users used this app as a starting point to their “find-true-love” hunt.

That said, I can give you a hint from the next projects that come from here, including a OpenSocial container, the first OpenID efforts, porting flash to HTML5, making jQuery work in a fast way. Improving more and more the quality of the code.