Pure Android Dating App
This was my first Android project, using Java and pure Android code.
We hired a external company to do our app, but they were taking too long. That said, that’s where I enter.
I got the project from their hands, the project had barely started, and had to join forces with the web designer we had in the company to make this app come to live.
Had many challenges working with this app, first Android app, first lots of images and contents mobile app. Understanding how Android handled the Memory management system, how external libraries helped me to handle the images loading issues, like Picasso.
Had to research about a lot of things to make the app work like a breeze. After 3 months of highly focused development, we got the app live, users loved it, the designer loved it, I loved it.
So much hard work paid off, working together with the Designer in a way that I didn’t kept him locked with the options he could imagine, but at the same time helping him to research for other options to his designs to help the app development was a huge challenge, and as for all the challenges I have in my life, I tried my best, and it worked out just fine!